Sunday, November 28, 2010

Comic 20101128

I think it would be Sticky. It would be a bother to get cleaned up after bathing in blood. It would get on everything.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Comic 20101125

As I type this it is the night before Thanksgiving. So thoughts turn to the Mcfarlene Thanksgiving. I have less than usual to say here. I'll be working on a few arty things over the weekend. Some comic related and some not. I really want to get into the new website and I hope that I can. It will be a blast.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Comic 20101124

I've been beating the streets looking for some work and there hasn't been much time for comicing. But I woke up thinking about Equality and thought this would be a nice quick page to post.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Comic 20101121

Roland and Mary are heading to the Blue Shed. It has been a few days and I've been kept busy and worried so I've not been very productive. I did this one quickly. Whatever little creative energy I use to put this comic together is ebbing.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Apology 20101117

No comic. I was trying to get one out every other day until I got things on a normal schedule, but that doesn't look like it will be the case. I have this sketch that, surprisingly, turned out pretty well. If it fit in the current canon I'd post it as a comic.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Comic 20101116

Because everybody is looking at her cleavage no person notices Shub's New Hair.

Yeah, this joke could have used a bit of filling out to make it more humorous. It should have been A few panels showing somebody ogling her chest while Shub tried to show off her hair, then she would get angry and eat them. It is always more funny ending in vore.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Comic 20101114

Same joke different day Pool Party: One Moment. Alternate title 'Suddenly Erection.' Missed updating yesterday, it has been busy.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Comic 20101112

Pool Party: QT Asks for Advice. I like how QT is sort of clueless about this sort of thing. Roland tries for a moment to be a good guy about it but fails. I would imagine most would allow themselves to be swayed by a graphically conveyed description of a girl on girl sexual encounter when you have a thing for one of the girls.

I have some errands Friday morning and afternoon and evening. So I don't know about my updates for the weekend.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Comic 20101111

Sarah Explains some of her side of her possible future relationship with Roland. I think it is fun to try and have a girlish bonding moment between Sarah and Mary. To this point they really haven't interacted and they likely won't again for a while.

I had a lot coming up on my plate the last few days so the comic had to take a bit of a backseat. I may soon have to drop back to once a week updates. I'm job hunting so comic time will be a bit lower. But if my hunt is successful I may formally hire somebody to work on parts of the comic.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Comic 20101110

Two frames to say Sarah is No Snitch. The pool party continues with two more frames from what was originally a full page update. I'm pretty sure I can get the last part of it posted for the next update.

I'm putting together some Mabel stuff also. Due to some changes in the plot I have to adjust her training arc a little. I am also working my way through a case of Yuengling Porter.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Comic 20101109

This is part of a bigger page. Pool Party: Sarah Asks will be shown fully as I get it done. I spent a good bit of 'comic time' working on a few things for the new website and when I got down to drawing the comic I ran out of time.

Monday, November 08, 2010

Comic 20101108

Let's go back to the days before color with Mary Arrives 4 in glorious grays. I see a typo with no time to fix it.

We see Mary has a definite mean streak and she had a plan. What exactly is she going to teach Mabel?

There are some pages out of place in the archive. I'll have to address them soon.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Comic 20101107

Here is Mary Arrives 3 with a few hints about what is going on in the Wu camp. I'm not happy with this page for a few reasons.

I have a nice idea for the page after this that might make up for this one whenever it gets done.

I installed the comic script I'll be using for the new site on my localhost so I can do some coding. I do not have any idea of a time frame.

Friday, November 05, 2010

Apology 20101106

There may not be an update 11-06. Here is a pre-no-update apology sketch. This is an alternate design for QT I was thinking about. This alterante look may be something we see way down the road in some form. I think it is cute. I left out the naughty bits, they are cute and tentacle-y too.

I'm semi-sick and mentally and physically washed out. I've been working on a fairly simple dialog heavy page and I just can not concentrate enough to get it done.

If you read more than a few of my comic updates you know I'm not a real stickler for quality, but there is dialog I don't feel I can address right now. It is fairly simple but it also gives out a snippet of new information so I want to get it right.

Comoc 20101105

At the Pool Party: Pennytree Deflates. Miss Pennytree in growing on me. I'm getting into her non-traditional sexy body and her scary submissive attitude to Professor Riley. She can also has really cool hook hands.

This is my last weekend of relative freedom. I have my work credentials sorted out mostly and will have to start looking for a new work to do so comic time will be short. I am really hoping to get the new host and comic software running before then, but it doesn't look like that will be happening.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Comic 20101104

Al ready out of order with Pool Party: Mary's Invitation. So Mabel won't be at the pool party. Where could she be?

I honestly do not know about tomorrow's update. If there is one it will be a quick crappy one.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Comic 20101103

At the Pool Party: Pennytree Reflects. This page doesn't really add much to the overall story or character development except to expand Miss Pennytree's submissive kink a little bit. There is going to be a good bit of this further back in her story so overall this will sort of work as a reminder of her character.

I have a few more Pool Party updates coming. One I'm finishing up one that expalins where Mabel is and sketched out another with some regular pool stuff. I'll be scripting a bit with some of Mabel's stories. I also worked a bit on the new website today. I've around 60/300 of the comics uploaded.

Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Comic 20101102

Another Pool Party: Sarah Catches On. We see from the title that Sarah may be onto something.

Spent some time today trying to stay a day ahead of the updates. I played around with the new website CMS for a little bit. I'll have to upload my archives one at a time and that is nearing 300 pages. I haven't found a way past the small navigation problem yet, but I have a plan B figured out.

Monday, November 01, 2010

Comic 20101101

The formless pool party continues with Pool Party: Swimsuit Rivalry. When did Mary get there? A monumental confrontation between body types. The loser will have to remove their suit, then everybody wins.

I fooled around with the possible script for the new site. I'll have to hand make some of the things I do where the site is at now. I would have to upload and edit just as much making a comic site the old timey way. This has been the case with all the CMS that I've tried so far. I like ComicCMS the best so far. But I'm still looking.