Marla Jenkins. This comic page is nearly about 10 months behind schedule. There is a perfectly good reason for this slow turn around. I'm hopelessly lazy. Or I spent a lot of time thinking about how included in the comic Marla was going to be. Originally this was going to be it, but things expanded and I wrote a little story for her. I didn't want her to start interacting until I figured out what was going to happen to her so she was set aside.
I've been doodling around a great deal and decided to try and produce directly from my sketch book with ink and colored pencils. Any person can tell the original was taken with a digital camera while being held on my lap. I've got a good many more that will be put together in the same manner, but hopefully I will have somebody else hold the book on /their/ lap so I can look at the view finder while taking the picture.
While Christmas shrunk my free time to nothing this was the sort of comics that I started getting interested in, small heavy panels. I hope I will get better at it.
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