Library Smackdown. Again I spent far too much time with little result. I finally had to become satisfied with it. I think as of publishing this one all the relationships reveled so far are where they are supposed to be or near enough, for the next arc. The three girls are pals, which is most important. I've one more main character to bring into the active fold, which I will do at the beginning of the next set of comics.
Each line was done as a sperate picture. There are some slight differences in quality (if it matters between poor and very poor). It is getting a bit easier to put these together. My line art with the graphics tablet is still shakier than Id like and I didn't even start to shade and highlight this.
This coming update will either be filler, another small back issue like today or a sketch / script type. I had to work an extra day at one of my jobs and it has thrown me off more than I'd like.
Comic published out of sequence.
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