I know what boys like. A wee bit of the anatomy of the town. You can see Roland's house from the library. As a side note, the library is more a reading room auxillary.
I stopped working on this one when I realized it wasn't looking any better to me. Though, I should have fixed Sarah's right arm. I did some shading and then I stopped. I've sundays almost done also, I'll be touching it up when I have some free moments. I'm trying to get them as finished as possible in the time I have while keeping my schedule. The extra things like lettering and framing are coming along much more quickly now, leaving a bit more room on coloring and shading. I really what to get this part of the story done by the end of July. I may have to skip episodes in the whole. The events covered only last a day are so, and I don't want to suck up the whole IRL summer with them.