Pinatas are full of tasty treats. Drawn by Alex Whitington. This is one of the more interesting comics for me for several reasons. The first, chronologically, is the fact that me and my wife have a running gag about roadkill. There are lots of dead things laying along the roads in my rural county; deer, groundhogs, racoons, rabbits, skunks, opossum, cats, dogs, squirrels . If it is a critter of some kind than it has found its way under a wheel. Then they start to swell with gas and maggots until they pop. The bigger they get the more 'filled with confetti' they become, until they explode smelly fun all around themselves. Then it isn't long until just bone and hair are left. It is just like science. Anyway, one of these running roadkill conversations got turned into the Pinata gag. Art does follow life.
The other very cool(er) thing is that I didn't draw this comic at all. I was sort of planning on doing it sometime as a non-big-plot comic and had it roughed out fairly well when I was contacted by Alex with a sample illustration that got me very excited. So I gave him my beloved dead animal script and he sent me back this great comic.
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